Lovage 'Maggie Plant' Seeds

Product Description
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Lovage - 35+ Seeds

Lovage is a perennial from southern Europe where it can grow up to 2m. It closley resembles a tall celery with multiple branches that have thin hollow stems and fleshy roots. 

Lovage is often known as Maggie plant, the leaves giving a celery like flavour to soups and stews. The flavour is richer and fuller than celery. It can be used in almost any dish celery or parsley would be used. However it has a much stronger taste than celery so should be used sparingly. Add lovage to green salads, potato dishes, and salad dressings, the stems can be rubbed over the inside of the salad bowl for a subtle flavour. Dried and blended with other dried herbs it makes an excellent salt substitute.

Lovage can be used in digestive difficulties, such as colic, indigestion and flatulence. A tea induces sweating and is used as a diuretic and water retention. A strong tea can be added to the bath water for a body deodorant, or to remove odours from the hands rub them in a cooled lovage tea.

Seed Starting Method Directly sow or raise seedlings and plant out
Sowing Depth 6-8mm
Growing Season Spring & Summer
Germination Time 14-22 days at around 18-21c
Hardiness Perenial
Plant Spacing  110cm
Plant Height Upto 200cm
Planting Position Partial or full sun, moist well manured soil
Days Until Maturity  80-90 days
Growing tips
Performs best in fertile, moist, but well-drained soils in full sun or partial shade. Do not allow soils to dry out.

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