What seeds can I sow in Winter? Vegetable, Flowers and Herbs.

Winter seed sowing list for flowers, vegetables and herbs
June 23 2023
Looking for a winter seed sowing seed? Wondering exactly what seeds can be sown in Winter? Here is a big list of all the different types of plants you can winter sow, separated into categories like perennial flowers, hardy annuals, vegetables, and herbs.
In this blog, we'll cover which seeds can be directly sown in your garden
Perennial flower seeds to winter sow
Annual flower seeds to winter sow
Winter sowing seed list
Winter sowing offers a great opportunity to grow various seeds, including resilient perennial flowers like aster, coneflower, and dianthus, robust herbs such as thyme, oregano, and chives, and sturdy vegetables like kale, carrots, and radishes. When selecting seeds, prioritize cold-tolerant varieties that suit your local climate. Interestingly, most seeds can withstand freezing temperatures during winter sowing. Rather, it is the prolonged, chilly, and damp spring conditions that may lead to seed rot, especially for less hardy seeds. This explains why the best plants for winter sowing are capable of sprouting naturally after enduring a long, cold winter. If you've ever witnessed a plant voluntarily growing in your garden or compost heap, it's definitely worth giving winter sowing a try!
Perennial flower seeds to winter sow
Here is a list of perennial flower seeds that can be winter sown:
- Anemone
- Artemesia
- Aster
- Bachelor’s button
- Bee balm
- Canterbury bells
- Catmint
- Chrysanthemum
- Coneflower (Echinacea)
- Coral Bells
- Coreopsis
- Creeping thyme - Wild ThymeÂ
- Delphinium
- Dianthus
- English daisy
- Evening primrose
- Flax
- Foxglove
- Globe thistle
- Hellebore
- Hollyhock
- Lupin
- Penstemon
- Phlox
- Pincushion flower
- Pinks
- Poppy
- Primrose
- Rudbeckia
- Salvia
- Sea holly
- Shasta daisy
- Sweet peas
- Sweet violet
- Verbena
- Veronica
- Viola
- Yarrow
Winter sowing is particularly well-suited for perennial flower seeds. These seeds can typically be successfully sown during winter even in extremely cold climates, as long as the resulting mature plants are well adapted to the local hardiness zone.
Annual flower seeds to winter sow
Here are some hardy annual flower seeds that can be winter sown:
- Calendula
- California poppy
- Cape marigold
- Celosia
- China aster
- Cornflower
- Cosmos
- Forget-me-not
- Larkspur
- Sunflower
- Morning glory
- Nasturtium
- Petunia
- Pincushion flower
- Snapdragons
- Stock
- Strawflower
- Sunflower
- Sweet alyssum
- Sweet peas
- Valerian
Winter sowing is a relatively easy method for sowing hardy annuals and certain half-hardy annuals. Surprisingly, this technique can even be used for heat-loving plants like sunflowers.
Vegetable seeds to winter sow
Here are some vegetable seeds that can be winter sown:
- Artichoke
- Beets
- Beans
- Bok choi
- Broccoli
- Brussel sprouts
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Celery
- Chard
- Collards
- Corn (choose early varieties)
- Cucumbers (sow in late winter)
- Garlic (both seed and clove)
- Kale
- Lettuce
- Onions
- Parsnip
- Peas
- Peppers (sow in late winter)
- Pumpkins (sow in late winter)
- Radish
- Scallions
- Shallots
- Spinach
- Squash (sow in late winter)
- Tomatoes (sow in late winter)
The majority of these crops are suitable for winter sowing as they thrive in cool-season conditions and can be sown throughout the year. However, for warm-season crops such as tomatoes and squash, it's advisable to wait until the end of winter before winter sowing them. This precaution ensures that they don't rot from extended exposure to cold and wet conditions. Interestingly, it's not uncommon to find volunteer pumpkins and tomatoes sprouting in your garden from the previous year!
Herb seeds to winter sow
Here are some herbs that you can winter sow:
- Chamomile
- Chervil
- Chives
- Cilantro
- Dill
- Herb fennel
- Lavender
- Lemon balm
- Lovage
- Marjoram
- Mint
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Rosemary
- Sage
- Savory
- Tarragon
- Thyme
Herb seeds generally work very well with winter sowing. If there is a herb you’re wondering about and it’s not listed above – just give it a try!
- D&H Seed Harvest Co
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